The Explosion Tree
A mini adventure to meet a distant friend!
Swallow (Hirundo rustica) group and a House martin (Delichon urbicum) perched on power lines as a mixed species group of hirundines gathers ahead of their autumn migration, Gloucestershire, UK, September. - false
A mini adventure to meet a distant friend!
Enjoy the latest photos sent in by readers of Nature News, with an interesting leucistic magpie and a great hedgehog video from Helen Scarsbrook.
The Wildlife Trusts’ youth activism manager, Arran Wilson, draws on his background as a lecturer in zoology to explore what exactly hibernation is, and which animals rely on it to get through…
A scarce and declining bird, the tree sparrow can be spotted on farmland and in woodlands; it is not an urban bird in the UK. It has a brown cap and black cheek-spots, unlike the similar house…
Enjoy the latest photos from our supporters.
The tree bumblebee is a new arrival to the UK. First recorded here in 2001, it is slowly spreading north. It prefers open woodland and garden habitats and can be found nesting in bird boxes and…
It might surprise you, but even the smallest of gardens can accommodate a tree!
An inconspicuous tree for much of the year, the Wild service tree comes to life in spring, when it displays pretty, white blossom, and autumn, when its Maple-like leaves turn bright crimson.
This streaky brown bird is a summer visitor to Britain, favouring open woodlands in the north and west.
Enjoy the latest wildlife photo gallery from our Nature News readers.