Elmdon Manor

Elmdon Manor blossom George Green

George Green

Elmdon Manor

Woodland, a meadow, ponds and an old walled garden


0.5km south west of Elmdon. turn off Damson Parkway near roundabout. Access is from the road leading to Elmdon Church
B92 9EJ
A static map of Elmdon Manor

Know before you go

5 hectares

Parking information

Park in layby opposite gate at entrance

Grazing animals


Walking trails

There are clear footpaths but the reserve can get muddy. 



Flat, soft patches, muddy in winter, clear footpaths


image/svg+xmlDogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

March to November

About the reserve

This reserve contains an old walled garden with meadow, woodland and ponds. It is a good reserve for birds such as nuthatch, goldcrests and warblers. There are also some unusual naturalised garden species.  

What's it like to visit?

Inside the garden’s ivy-clothed walls, efforts have been made to re-establish the original fruit orchard where michaelmas daisy and rosebay willowherb provide a colourful display. Spring blossoms attract many bees, hoverflies and butterflies to this quintessential English orchard.  

Outside the imposing walls, mature oak, elm and yew provide open woodland, attracting buzzards, sparrowhawks and jays. A wildflower meadow has been re-established with delightful flowers, including cuckooflower, common knapweed and St John’s-wort.

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Karl Curtis
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