Swallow (Hirundo rustica) group and a House martin (Delichon urbicum) perched on power lines as a mixed species group of hirundines gathers ahead of their autumn migration, Gloucestershire, UK, September. - false
Brown trout
A fierce predator of small fish and flying insects, the brown trout is widespread in our freshwater rivers. It is has a golden body, flanked with pale-ringed, dark spots.
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Threatened Warwickshire species to be saved from extinction
Several of Warwickshire’s most threatened species will benefit thanks to almost £500,000 from Natural England’s ‘Species Recovery Programme’.
Wicked wildlife and spooky species
Discover some weird and wonderful wildlife this Halloween. How many of these crawling, slithering, and creeping creatures visit your garden?
Rainbow trout
With a silvery body, and purple, pink and bluish streaks down its flanks, the rainbow trout lives up to its name. Popular with anglers, it is actually an introduced species in the UK.
Meadow brown
One of our most common butterflies, the meadow brown can be spotted on grasslands, and in gardens and parks, often in large numbers. There are four subspecies of meadow brown.
Edible crab
Also known as the brown crab, this large crab is found around all UK shores and is identifiable by the distinctive pie-crust edge to its brown shell.
Brown shrimp
The brown shrimp blends perfectly with its seabed home and is found all around the coasts of the UK.
Brown hairstreak
The brown hairstreak is an elusive butterfly that spends much of its time in the treetops feeding on aphid honeydew.
Brown hawker
A common dragonfly of canals, marshes, reedbeds and lakes, the Brown hawker can be seen patrolling the water or 'hawking' through woodland rides. It is easily distinguished by its…
Brown rat
The brown rat has a bad reputation, but it mostly lives side-by-side with us without any problems. It can be seen in any habitat.