Oral history film released

Oral history film released

Simon Watts, WILD Presentations

Discover the history of Bubbenhall Wood and Meadow told by those who know it well, in our brand new oral history film.

Bubbenhall Wood and Meadow nature reserve is nestled in the heart of the Dunsmore Living Landscape. Thanks to funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, we have created a film to tell the history of this nature reserve through the memories of people who have explored it. 

Enjoy their tales of childhood adventures, seas of bluebells and primroses and finding fungi and discover the importance of this nature reserve in connecting woodlands on a landscape scale. 

Find out more about Bubbenhall Wood and Meadow and how to visit it. 

Simon Watts, WILD Presentations

National Lottery Heritage Fund logo

This oral history project was funded through the National Lottery Heritage Fund.