Middlemarch Environmental Ltd

Hazel dormouse - Terry Whittaker - 2020VISION

Hazel dormouse - Terry Whittaker - 2020VISION

Middlemarch Environmental Ltd

Middlemarch Environmental Ltd is one of the UK’s leading ecological consultancies.

Middlemarch manages more than 200 ecological and biodiversity projects nationwide, for a range of private companies, individuals and local authorities.

Middlemarch was set up in 1989 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, which is itself part of The Wildlife Trusts, the largest voluntary organisation in the UK concerned with all aspects of nature conservation and the environment. The company's vision is taken from ‘Middlemarch’ by George Eliot, published in 1872, from which the quote “to do good small work for Middlemarch and great work for the world” is taken. George Eliot was born Mary Ann Evans on 22nd November 1819, at Arbury Farm in North Warwickshire – just over 5 miles away from our offices.


Middlemarch Environmental has extensive experience of providing ecological solutions for all aspects of your project, ranging from initial survey work to support a planning application, to the design and on-site delivery of mitigation. A range of services includes:

  • Preliminary ecological appraisal
  • Ecological impact assessments
  • BREEAM/Code for sustainable homes assessments (CfSH)
  • Tree surveys and assessments
  • GIS mapping and analysis
  • Habitat creation and enhancement
  • Biodiversity services


Hundreds of important habitats and special wild places are under threat from the Government's proposed High Speed 2 (HS2) rail network - ancient woodland, lakes, meadows and other important habitats are at risk.

The Government and HS2 Ltd acknowledge that the route can't be delivered without harming the natural environment.

Middlemarch Environmental are on the list of potential contractors for HS2 for ecological mitigation – this means seeking to remedy, reduce, or offset known negative impacts to the environment or species. To date, Middlemarch’s work for HS2 has been limited to surveying and writing plans for the potential translocation of great crested newts and reptiles, and a survey of potential bat roosts along the HS2 route.

Middlemarch had accepted a contract to safely translocate great crested newts and reptiles, however this work is currently on hold pending the independent review of HS2. They have not, so far, been involved in the translocation of any species along the route.

Middlemarch were invited to tender on the translocation of ancient woodland, and they declined to accept any work of this nature, as they believe that the methods proposed are unviable.

Middlemarch have not been involved in any plans for the clearance of ancient woodland, or any proposals to do so, either in South Cubbington Woods, or elsewhere in the country.

Visit the Middlemarch Environmental Ltd website for more information and read Warwickshire Wildlife Trust's position on HS2 here.