How we're run


Credit Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION

How we're run

Warwickshire Wildlife Trust is an independent charity governed by a Council of up to 18 voluntary un-paid trustees elected from its members. Trustees are elected for three year terms and the Council has the power to co-opt members to fill any vacancies until the next AGM.

The Council is led by a Chair, elected annually by the Trustees. The Chair ensures that the Board operates effectively and works closely with the Chief Executive. The Council is also supported by the Honorary Secretary/Company Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer with specific duties for the management of legal and financial responsibilities.

The Council is the ultimate decision-making body for the Trust: responsible for ensuring that the Trust carries out its charitable objects in accordance with the relevant legislation.

With the Chief Executive, the trustees agree and set out the policy and strategy to be implemented by the Trust’s staff and volunteers. The Council sets the overall vision, mission, policy and goals for the organisation in line with the national strategies of The Wildlife Trusts’ Partnership.

The Council meets formally at least 4 times a year to discuss Trust business and to take major decisions.

The Council delegates authority for particular areas of its work to the Audit and Risk Committee and a number of Working Groups. 

The Audit and Remuneration Committee (ARC) has delegated authority from the Council of Warwickshire Wildlife Trust (Council) to review audit, risk, finance & remuneration matters for Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, and for all the subsidiary companies of the Trust.

ARC’s general role is to ensure that Council meets its responsibilities by providing detailed oversight of systems of internal control, risk management, financial reporting and remuneration, and through supervision of the quality, independence and effectiveness of any internal reviews and external audits, both for Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and its subsidiaries.

Our ethical framework