Peter Barrack
On the theme of Nature's Recovery
Thanks to all our brilliant photographers who entered their photos on the theme of "Nature's Recovery".
There were two categories to enter, Nature in crisis or Nature returning.
And the winners are:
For Nature in crisis the winner is Ian Mills with his photo of a Heron in a litter-strewn canal:

Nature in Crisis, "I live here", by Ian Mills
For Nature returning the winner is Craig Frick with his image of an urban Fox:

Nature Returning, "Urban Fox", Craig Frick
View a gallery of the photographs which were shortlisted below. The winner in each category will receive a birdfeeder and choice of a beautiful bird mug. The terms and conditions of the competition are below for reference.
What were we looking for?
Sharp, bright, clean images that tell a story and grab attention!
Photos with wildlife or people, a landscape or a close-up, an urban view or farmland. The way entrants interpreted the theme was up to them, but they were asked to consider what is affecting nature at the moment from the climate crisis to the rise in popularity of forest school activities for children.
Here’s some of the ideas we provided to inspire entrants:
- A damaged landscape
- An urban view
- Wildlife affected by litter or pollution
- People observing a natural disaster or the problems it has caused
- Newborn life
- Observing nature close-up
- Wild or calm weather
- Wildlife in motion
- Wildlife thriving in an unlikely place
Nature in Crisis shortlisted gallery
Nature Returning shortlisted gallery
What do I win?
There will be one winner in each of the two categories. Each winner will receive a metal bird seed feeder and their choice of bird mug. The mugs to choose from are in our online shop.
The two winners will be contacted by email and asked for a postal address. Prizes will be posted out after the winners are announced on Thursday 5th November. If the winner prefers, they can collect their prizes from Brandon Marsh visitor centre.
Who is judging the photo competition?
The entries will be judged by staff members at Warwickshire Wildlife Trust.
Judges will assess entries and collectively agree on the competition winners. Digital adjustments are acceptable; and cropping is allowed.
The decision of the organisers is final and no correspondence will be entered into concerning the competition’s judging and organisation.
How do I enter?
You can send your images to us (a maximum of five per photographer) by email. Email your full name, entry category and your images, to louise.barrack@wkwt.org.uk.
If the image file size is too large to email please use WeTransfer to submit your entry. Photographs must be a minimum 1MB – maximum 10MB file.
Closing date: Saturday 24th October 2020.
How will my photos be used?
By entering the competition, you grant Warwickshire Wildlife Trust a non-exclusive, irrevocable licence to reproduce, enlarge, publish or exhibit, on any media, the images for any purpose to further its aims and objectives. More specifically to use:
- On the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust website, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust social media channels and Warwickshire Wildlife Trust email communications.
- In Warwickshire Wildlife Trust's magazine (Wild Warwickshire)
- In the press for the purposes of publicising this photography competition and the Nature Recovery project
The organisers will make every reasonable effort to ensure that name credits are given to any photograph published in any medium.
How will my personal data be used?
We will keep your personal details to enable us to use your images (see 'How will my photos be used' above). We value your support and do not pass on information about you to any group or individual outside the Wildlife Trusts.
Photo competition terms and conditions 2020
- Please make sure you have permission for any individuals that feature in your photos.
- An image will be rejected if it appears to have been taken in such a way that wildlife law or animal welfare requirements may have been breached or it has been otherwise taken in an irresponsible way.
- If you are under the age of 18 you must have permission to enter from your parent or guardian. By submitting an entry for the competition, your parent/carer/guardian is deemed to have given such consent and to agree to the use of the entry as described in these terms and conditions.
- By entering your images into the competition you agree that Warwickshire Wildlife Trust can use them in communications and promotional materials including online and digital materials and printed materials. (see FAQ on usage on this web page)
- All photographers will be credited. Please include the name you wish to be credited with your images.
- Closing date for entries is Saturday 24th October 2020.
- By entering the competition, you agree to the provisions of these terms and conditions and to comply fully with them.
- The information given in these Terms & Conditions is correct, but Warwickshire Wildlife Trust reserves the right to change any of it without prior notice. By entering the competition, entrants will be deemed to have agreed to be bound by these Terms & Conditions. Any breach of these Terms by an entrant will void their entry. If a breach has occurred but is discovered after the award of a prize, then the organisers may require the return of that prize.