River Sherbourne Valley Living Landscape Brand Development

River Sherbourne Valley Living Landscape Brand Development

Warwickshire Wildlife Trust (WWT) would like to invite expressions of interest from marketing/PR/Branding in the preparation of the following:

Brand development for River Sherbourne Valley Living Landscape Scheme

Maximum fee: £6,300 plus VAT

The following brief has been devised to inform interested parties about the purpose of the contract, the timings and other requirements.


Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, working with a wide range of partners and with funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, want to create a new brand for the River Sherbourne Valley Living Landscape Scheme.

This is being commissioned as part of the River Sherbourne Valley Living Landscape Scheme, which is working to bring the city’s river back into people’s hearts and minds and working to improve it for both people and wildlife. The scheme’s vision can be found in appendix 1 and we expect anyone making an expression of interest to have read this document, to understand how this study complements the wider scheme.

Read more about the River Sherbourne Living Landscape scheme

The scheme's branding is a key part of the scheme’s Development Phase (November 2020 – April 2021) to enable the scheme to establish and market itself. We have extensive experience of working with designers both in house and external to develop scheme branding, as we have two live schemes (see background reading).


  • Tender submission deadline: Sunday 7th February
  • Contractor shortlisting:  Monday 8th February
  • Zoom interview and contractor selection: Friday 12th February
  • Contract start Monday: 15th February
  • Deadline for completion of deliverables: 30th April 2021

Interested parties
Interested parties should provide a written quote along with an outline to the approach they would take including headline details of the key milestones for design, feedback, refine and finalising the brand.


Caroline Bailey, Scheme Development Manager
Warwickshire Wildlife Trust
Brandon Marsh Nature Centre
Brandon Lane
Coventry, CV3 3GW

T: 02476 302912
E: Caroline.Bailey@wkwt.org.uk

National Lottery Heritage Fund logo


Funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund