WildNet - Gillian Day
Hedgehog resources
General resources
Find below a selection of freely downloadable resources covering topics from hedgehog ecology to planning.
Children's resources
The freely downloadable resources below are aimed towards children and families and include a mix of information and activities.
Educational resources
Download our educational packs, designed to teach children at different Key Stages all about hedgehogs in line with the National Curriculum.
Key Stage 1 Educational Pack
Key Stage 2 Educational Pack
Project reports
Download our reports below for the Help for Hedgehogs Campaign and Hedgehog Improvement Areas Project.
Watch videos about hedgehogs, focusing on interesting behaviours and ways to help them.
Credit Simon Watts / WILD Presentations
Learn how we check and mark hedgehogs at night with numbered plastic tubes to help us monitor local populations.
A hedgehog-friendly garden (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfE9qWVGSlU&feature=youtu.be)
Credit Deborah Wright
Pick up some tips on how you can improve your garden for hedgehogs and other wildlife - your garden does not need to be ‘messy’ to be hedgehog-friendly!
Nocturnal hedgehog surveying (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90SdoOx16ec&feature=youtu.be)
Credit Deborah Wright
Learn how we survey for hedgehogs at night and monitor them at our “hedgehog hub” sites in Warwickshire. Watch our Senior Hedgehog Officer take you through the process.
Watch this compilation of video footage, showing hedgehog behaviours and interactions with other wildlife.
Advent Hog 2017 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_MyB6WNqvw&feature=youtu.be)
Credit Deborah Wright
Watch our Advent Hog 2017 video from our social media #adventhog campaign. It is a compilation of a series of short videos for each day of December in the lead up to Christmas, helping to raise awareness about issues faced by hedgehogs.
Watch our Advent Hog 2018 video from our social media #adventhog campaign. It is a compilation of a series of short videos for each day of December in the lead up to Christmas, helping to raise awareness about issues faced by hedgehogs.
Find below a list of useful links to other organisations and resources featuring interesting information about hedgehogs. Please note that these external website are not necessarily "endorsed" by Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and we are not accountable for any information on these sites.
- The British Hedgehog Preservation Society offers help and advice about poorly hedgehogs, maintains a list of UK rehabilitators and hosts a range of downloadable posters and leaflets.
- The People’s Trust for endangered Species works to protect ecosystems and threatened species, including hedgehogs. They have compiled a useful list of summaries of scientific papers about the European hedgehog. You can also download the West-European hedgehog Conservation Strategy and the guidance for detecting hedgehogs using footprint tunnels.
- Hedgehog Street is a campaign bringing together people, gardens and hedgehogs. You can learn all about hedgehogs, sign up to become a hedgehog champion and download the latest State of Britain’s Hedgehogs report. You can also add your hedgehog sightings and hedgehog holes to their BIG Hedgehog Map.
- The Mammal Society advocates science-led conservation. You can find out information about hedgehogs and other mammals.
- The Royal Parks works with the Zoological Society of London, Garden Wildlife Health Project, the Central Royal Parks Wildlife Group and Dr Nigel Reeve and Professor John Gurnell to survey the hedgehogs in Regent’s Park, London. You can report a sighting, sign up to be a ‘Hedgehog Hero’ and adopt a hedgehog.
- Wildlife Watch is the junior branch of The Wildlife Trusts. You can become a member and get involved in lots of activities. They have a range of free downloadable activity sheets, including making compost, making a footprint trap and making a hedgehog home.
- Wildcare sells Mammal Society footprint tunnels if you would rather buy than make your own.
- Wildpro is an electronic encyclopedia and library for wildlife, including lots of information on our West-European hedgehog.
- Pro Igel, the Association for Integrated Nature Conservation in Germany advocates conservation of the West-European hedgehog and hosts a website packed full of hedgehog information.
- Wildlife Online is an educational hobby website including some highly readable hedgehog information.
- The #AmazingGrace campaign, centred in Surrey, aims to save the UK's hedgehogs and ensure that they are able to establish healthy, thriving populations. The website includes information about hedgehogs, hazards and gardens.
- The Gardener's Corner section of this website provides a guide to protecting our nation's hedgehog.