The River Cole is a tributary of the River Tame, situated between Birmingham, Solihull and the north of Coleshill (in North Warwickshire), and has been identified by our Tame Valley Wetlands team and the EA as having the potential to become a significant green-blue corridor across its catchment. LYRiC is the new name for our Love Your River Cole project and its aimed at actively improving the health status and ecosystem quality of the River Cole. The intention is to create an environment which benefits both wildlife and people. Currently, the physical and ecological state of the river is poor, due to negative impacts of various human activities. The work involved with LYRiC will involve enhancing biodiversity, water quality and flood resilience to create an improved ecosystem and a healthier space for wildlife and people, whilst promoting the vision of the Wildlife Trusts in terms of greater ecosystem conservation.
We'll be collaborating with local landowners, government organisations, charities, schools and other groups in the Coleshill community to raise awareness of the importance of the River Cole. We hope to develop an appreciation of the cultural heritage and environmental benefits it provides. Also we'll be working with both local and corporate volunteer groups to deliver activities and carry out practical work which should help engage the interest of the local public in the improvement of this environmental landmark. We want the River Cole to become a valued and multi-functional asset within its catchment, with the potential to act as a catalyst for future change and investment.