We just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has supported The Wildlife Trusts so far in opposing the Government decision to lift a ban on a pesticide known to damage pollinators, for use on English sugar beet crops. So far over 75,500 people have signed our petition. Every single MP in the country has been contacted about the issue by constituents as well, through our campaign. The Wildlife Trusts are also taking legal action.
We’re still gathering signatures and keeping up the pressure as there’s still time to see this decision reversed. If you have not yet added your voice please do so here. Thank you!
Hot on the heels of our petition is a new Defra consultation around the upcoming National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides. Our analysis of the current draft plan is that without changes, it won’t reduce the environmental impact of pesticides nor guide the way towards phasing out unnecessary chemicals for the long term.
We all want a wilder future. Help us to make the National Action Plan stronger, more ambitious and ultimately better for wildlife. The consultation is live until 26 February - Have your say here