Shockingly, the UK has become one of the most nature depleted places on the planet. Many of our wild places have been lost, with truly devastating consequences to the surrounding fauna and flora.
In a bid to reconnect people with the world around them, in June we asked members, supporters and friends of Warwickshire Wildlife Trust to get outside every day and discover the wonders of the natural world.
Over 400,000 people took part in the challenge around the country, with 9,000 schools and 1,300 businesses getting involved too – a phenomenal number of wildlings, and something we’re hugely proud of!
Daily ‘random acts of wildness’ were encouraged to allow everyone to experience the benefits of the wild world. We recorded a staggering 10 million random acts over the month of June, and even simple acts like breathing in the wild air were counted. The creative ways you went wild reaffirmed our belief that there are endless possibilities to reconnect with nature.