Invitation to Tender: River Blythe Floodplain Enhancement Works

Invitation to Tender: River Blythe Floodplain Enhancement Works

Tame Valley Wetlands Landscape Partnership (TVWLP) is seeking to appoint a contractor to carry out earth moving works in order to create wetland scrapes and re-profile a section of river bank to reconnect a section of the River Blythe to its floodplain.

The successful contractor is expected to:

  • Meet all Health and Safety requirements as outlined in the Design and Access Statement.
  • Follow the specifications and procedures as set out in the Design and Access Statement and Environmental Statement.
  • Set up a secure compound (as outlined in the Design and Access Statement).
  • Using qualified and experienced drivers and tracked excavators and dumpers, excavate 900m3 of riverbank and profile to specified angle and dimensions (as set out in the design drawings).
  • Excavate 3960m3 of earth and create 10 floodplain scrapes in the designated areas and of the specified dimensions and depth (as set out in the design drawings) on the floodplain between the Cole and Blythe rivers.
  • The works will result in the total excavation of approximately 5,000m³ of spoil. All excavated spoil will be deposited at a nearby CEMEX quarry site. See the Design and Access Statement and Environment Statement for more information.
  • Bank re-profiling works are to be completed between 01 September 2021 and 30 September 2021.
  • Wetland Scrape works to be completed between 01 September 2021 and 31 December 2021.


A Brief outlining the work required is available to download here:

Download Brief...


Contractors are invited to quote for the work outlined in the Brief by 17:00pm, Friday 26th February 2021.


For more information, supporting documents and designs please contact Andrew Apanasionok

Mobile: 07587550077
