Rough Hill Wood

Bluebell Emma Richmond

Emma Richmond

Rough Hill Wood

Ancient woodland with beautiful springtime bluebells


A448 The Slough Near Studley
What3Words: lease.lake.lush
B80 7EN

OS Map Reference

SP 05168 63739
A static map of Rough Hill Wood

Know before you go

21 hectares

Parking information

There is a members’ only carpark off The Slough (A448)

Grazing animals


Walking trails

View and download the map below to plan your walking route.

 Rough Hill Wood reserve map 

Walk to the top of the ridge to enjoy views over the tree canopy, visit in spring for carpets of bluebells, and find fungi in autumn. There are some steep slopes, and some wet and muddy patches in winter.


The terrain around the reserve is steep and muddy in areas. 


Dogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to August

About the reserve

This peaceful and atmospheric woodland is set on a hillside and its history traces back to 1250. 

The woodland is made up of sessile oak, birch, rowan, aspen and small leaved lime. Wildflowers emerge in spring with a sea of bluebells. Since looking after the wood we have re-introduced some coppicing, an ancient woodland management technique. Trees are cut at the base and the resulting regrowth can be used for products from walking sticks to firewood or fencing. Coppiced trees re-sprout from the base and continue to grow for many years to come. 

What's it like to visit? 

The wood dominates the hillside along ‘the Slough' and it's teeming with life from brimstone butterflies to long-tailed tits. There is also a small area of heathland to explore with heather and bilberry.   

What is there to do here? 

  • Walk to the top of the ridge to enjoy views over the tree canopy
  • Visit in spring for carpets of bluebells
  • Find fungi in autumn

What might you spot? 

Beneath the ancient trees grows hazel and midland hawthorn with holly and wild privet.  Bluebell, wood anemone and primrose celebrate spring's arrival and provide a blanket of vibrant colour to the dappled woodland floor. You may also find broad-leaved helleborine and betony. 

There are plenty of birds to spot from cuckoo and chiffchaff to all three types of woodpecker. 

Volunteer at Rough Hill Wood

If you have some time to give on a regular basis, no previous experience necessary, and are interested in volunteering at your local nature reserve, then please contact us! 

Some of the many benefits of volunteering are:

  • Caring for your local nature reserve
  • Helping others to enjoy the outdoor environment
  • Helping to maintain your physical fitness and mental wellbeing
  • Learning of new skills
  • Meeting new and like-minded people

Volunteers are a key part of what we do and help us to maintain and look after the places we love. If you are interested in volunteering here at Rough Hill Wood, please email or telephone: 07464486389.


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Contact us

Karl Curtis
Contact number: 024 7630 2912
Contact email:

Location map

A map of Rough Hill Wood Map

A map of Rough Hill Wood Map

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