Loxley Church Meadow

Children in meadow flowers Credit Vicky Page / Offshoots Photography

Credit Vicky Page / Offshoots Photography

Loxley Church Meadow

Loxley Church Meadow. Ian Jelley

Pollinators at Loxley Church Meadow. Ian Jelley

Pollinators at Loxley Church Meadow. Ian Jelley

Loxley Church Meadow

A peaceful, pretty hay meadow


Situated close to the centre of Loxley village
CV35 9JP

OS Map Reference

SP 259 532
A static map of Loxley Church Meadow

Know before you go

3 hectares

Parking information

Parking at pedestrian entrance not advisable. Parking may be available in Loxley village.

Grazing animals

Sheep until around November

Walking trails

Please keep to field boundaries. Paths are undefined. 


There are no defined paths around this reserve but it advised to keep to the field boundaries. 


No dogs permitted

Assistance dogs only

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July

About the reserve

This peaceful, pretty reserve is an ancient hay meadow with lovely views across countryside  

What's it like to visit? 

You might notice the ancient ridge and furrow pattern to this meadow which suggests farming long ago. A stream forms the bottom boundary and it's great for wildflowers.   

What might you spot? 

If you want to tick off species in your wildflower spotter's handbook this is a great place to come! There's an abundance of cowslips, dropwort, common spotted orchid and goldilocks buttercup. You might also find meadow vetchling, yellow rattle, common birdsfoot trefoil, lady's bedstraw and great burnet.    An impressive twenty-two species of butterfly can be found here, with orange-tip, common blue and small copper all fluttering through the meadow.   

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Contact us

Karl Curtis
Contact number: 024 7630 2912
Contact email: enquiries@wkwt.org.uk

Location map