Lion Wood

Great Spotted Woodpecker feeding junior Kathleen Everitt

Kathleen Everitt

Lion Wood

A small oak woodland attracting spring time birds


Lies at Portway near west side of A435 3 miles north of Redditch
B48 7HS

OS Map Reference

SP 084 716
A static map of Lion Wood

Know before you go

3 hectares

Parking information

Park on roadside by reserve entrance

Grazing animals


Walking trails

Well defined informal paths, can become wet and muddy


There are well defined paths around this reserve but the area can become wet in poor conditions. 


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July

About the reserve

This reserve contains a small oak woodland on acid soils. Ground flora consists of heather and bilberry

 Jointly owned with Worcestershire Wildlife Trust

This reserve consists of a woodland that supports many acid loving plants & attracts a good range of woodland birds in the spring

The principal trees are oak, birch, holly and rowan with some alder buckthorn in the understorey.  With ground flora such as bilberry, heather and wood sage, this woodland community is uncommon in Worcestershire.

The wood can be a rather dark place.  In many areas the drooping branches of holly trees have reached the ground and taken root.  Over time this has extended the understorey through layering.

Spring is an attractive time to visit Lion Wood.  It supports a variety of birds including great and blue tits, nuthatches, tree creepers and lesser and great spotted woodpeckers.

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Karl Curtis
Contact number: 024 7630 2912
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Location map