Feet by Fire; Credit: Steve Cheshire
About the event
Our Wildlife Exlporers club is for young people, aged 8 to 16 years with a day of activities that aims to inject some excitement through a series of games and exercises which hone natural aptitudes for survival and adventure in the wilderness.
These sessions running over 3 days can be attended once or you can attend all 3, each day will have a new running theme such as making a camp, fire lighting and cooking as well as whittling or outdoor crafts.
Note: This is a drop off session, no parents allowed!
*Booking is essential. You will also need to fill out form to leave your young person, as well as bring a packed lunch.*
If you have any problems booking online please call: 02476 302912. For other enquiries about this event contact: education@wkwt.org.uk For more information about our Education team and its activities please call: 024 7630 2912