Peregrine Chick Naming Competition

Peregrine in flight

By Lucy Burrell

Name the peregrine chicks!

This year there are four peregrine chicks; three females and one male! Help us choose their names.


How to enter

Fill out the form below with your name ideas. We'll then choose four names from the entries submitted with help from some guest judges. Closing date for entry is 5pm on Friday 31st May 2024. The winning names will be revealed at Peregrine Watch LIVE on Saturday 8th June.

Enter your names!

Terms and Conditions

  • To enter the competition, you must complete all details on the online entry form.
  • You can only submit one entry. If you submit more than one entry, only your first entry will be accepted.
  • By submitting an entry to this competition, you give Warwickshire Wildlife Trust the right to use your name for the sole purpose of identifying you as the author of your entry and/or as a winner of the competition.
  • The winner will be announced at Peregrine Watch LIVE and on our social media on Saturday 8th June 2024.
  • Winning entries will receive an Adopt a Peregrine pack (E-version). You reserve the right to decline, however no alternative prize will be offered. Winning entries made by a group/family will receive one pack only.