Brook Meadow

Family in a wildflower meadow. Jon Hawkins/Surrey Hills Photography

Jon Hawkins/Surrey Hills Photography

Brook Meadow

An old traditional hay meadow with beautiful wild flowers.


Just east of Darley Green village, south of Dorridge. The reserve is located at the Darley Green Road end of Baker's Lane
B93 8PW

OS Map Reference

SP 180 742
A static map of Brook Meadow

Know before you go

2 hectares

Parking information

Park on Bakers Lane

Grazing animals


Walking trails

There are no defined paths and it is prone to waterlogging so please stick to the boundary!


Relatively flat but no defined paths and prone to waterlogging. 


No dogs permitted

Assistance dogs only

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times to members only

Best time to visit


About the reserve

We have looked after this traditional hay meadow rich with wildlfowers since 1995. It is surrounded by hedgerows of mature trees and shrubs and Cuttle Brook lies on the west. 

What's it like to visit?

This meadow is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) because of its herb-rich flood meadow grassland. Obviously the winter flooding means its important to stick to the boundary when its wet.   

What might you spot?

Look out for meadow foxtail and great burnet - these are now very scarce in Warwickshire. Visit the wetter northern end of the reserve to see the golden marsh-marigolds, wild angelica and even the rare meadow thistle.   Sixteen different species of grass have been counted here including crested dog’s-tail, sweet vernal grass and yellow oat-grass. Wildflowers peak through these grasses including devil’s-bit scabious and meadow vetchling. The meadow’s edge is made up of oak, ash and field maple with Scots pine towering over hazel, wild plum and blackthorn. This offers useful cover for many creatures, including brown hare during the winter months.

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Contact us

Karl Curtis
Contact number: 024 7630 2912
Contact email:

Location map