Weather Watching
Rain or shine let's get outside!
Measure the weather like a meteorologist!
Getting outdoors is great whatever the weather and in this Nature Club session for primary school age children we investigate how to measure it. Watch the video for an overview and then have fun getting outside to see what you can find out about the weather. You may want to see up your own mini weather-station with a rain gauge and wind vane. Or you could measure the amount of cloud cover using oktas, or eighths of the sky, by cutting out a grid and counting the number of boxes filled by clouds. We have activity sheets at the bottom of the page to help!
Video: Join education manager Vicky at Brandon Marsh Nature Reserve as she explains how you can use some very simple equipment to measure temperature, humidity, cloud cover and type. She will also show you how to use bubbles and a tape measure to work out wind direction and speed. If you have time why not make your own rain gauge using a pop bottle?