Blog: The Wildlife Trusts

Water vole © Terry Whittaker/2020VISION


7-spot Ladybird

Lovely ladybirds

A closer look at one of the UK’s most popular beetles.

Harvest mouse

Mice to meet you!

Mammal expert Stuart Edmunds introduces the four species of mice you can see in the UK.

hare in field, farming

What is regenerative farming?

Ever wondered what regenerative farming is and how it compares to other farming approaches? Vicki Hird, The Wildlife Trusts’ new strategic lead on agriculture, looks at this farming buzzword and…


Waxwing winters

Discover the bird that’s a favourite amongst birdwatchers, despite the fact that most rarely see one.

A cranefly with heavily patterned wings resting on a leaf

Long legs, short lives

Insect expert Ben Keywood from Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust takes a closer look at craneflies.

Elephant hawk-moth caterpillar

The elephant in the room

Late summer is the best time to discover one of the UK’s chunkiest caterpillars, the elephant hawk-moth.

A six spot burnet moth resting on the pink, globe-like head of a red clover flower. The moth is glossy and black with six bold red spots on each forewing.

Glorious grasslands

A summer meadow is a beautiful sight, but there’s so much more to it than gently waving grass heads and fabulous flowers.

